I’m a Human and Not an AI System

A rhyme on the life of a Computer Science student

Kartikeya V
Paper Poetry
2 min readFeb 22, 2022


Image by the Author

There are times in the life when we may give our best but the result might not be so favorable - it is certain because we’re not Robots but what’s important is that we never lose hope.
Here is my poem in which a Computer Science student aims for perfection even after many unsuccessful attempts.

Running from one compiler to the other
With the strongest ambition for a successful execution
I wanted my learning to be much smoother
Aiming at an algorithm to fulfill this year’s resolution.

The syntax of numerous languages rubbing on me
I fear the deterioration of my wisdom
And my agony branching out like an AVL tree
I’m a human and not an AI system.

With a sophisticated IDE running on my screen
And my fingers trembling to control the mouse
My ambition is just to impress this magnificent machine
But it sucked hope from my blood like a wicked louse.

I never expected time to terminate my operation
Even after using an amazing pseudocode to solve the problem
Struggling to satisfy it with the big O notation
I’m a human and not an AI system.

With every data structure laughing at my incompetency
And my very interpreter not giving a favorable result
I strived to my fullest to increase the efficiency
To bounce back and propel like a catapult.

My emotions filled my heart like an overflowed stack
But each time coding never lacked enthusiasm
Immensely thriving to give a bug-free attack
I’m a human and not an AI system.



Kartikeya V
Paper Poetry

A Computer Science student and a writer who loves Poetry and Anecdotes. We can connect on Twitter- @KartikeyaV5