It’s a Pleasure to Write Poetry

Inward and outward expressions

Douglas Lim
Paper Poetry
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2023


The photo is of someone writing notes for an article or poem, perhaps.
Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

For more details about World Poetry Day 2023 & the Writing Prompt, please read Carolyn Hastings’ article below:

Celebrating World Poetry Day 2023 ✨

UNESCO inaugurated World Poetry Day in 1999. Each year since then, March 21 has been the day to honour poetry and poets the world over and throughout history.

Prompt Details

Theme: World Poetry Day — Always be a poet, even in prose (Charles Baudelaire)

Task: think about what the quote means to you as a writer. Share your thoughts and creativity in whatever way works for you, either by responding to the quote directly, or demonstrating it in your writing.

Note: If you’re making direct reference to Baudelaire’s quote, please provide a hyperlink to the source e.g. copy and paste this one —



Douglas Lim
Paper Poetry

Writer of faith, inspiration, poetry, and spirituality, a self-proclaimed therapist & philosopher. "Light tomorrow with today." —Elizabeth Barrett Browning