Poember December

Joy To All

A Christmas tanaga

Carolyn Hastings
Paper Poetry
Published in
2 min readDec 10, 2023


A circular Christmas decoration with Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer set against an illuminated black background.
photo by author — embellished in Canva

A bedside lamp for a tree
Rudolph hangs there happily
Counting the days to Christmas
Joy to all, peace be with us.

© Carolyn Hastings 2023

I only ever have one Christmas wish — and that’s for peace and joy for all of us. So, wherever you may be this Christmas and whoever you may be spending it with, I wish that peace and joy be with you and remain with you always. 💛

Join Us for Poember December

It’s Poember December at Paper Poetry!

Come and join our rhyming poetry event. Any type of rhyme is fine. My funny little offering is a tanaga — a poetic form from the Philippines that is constructed as a 7-syllables-per-line quatrain.

John Hansen applies his talent for quatrains as he ponders our eternal quest for happiness in What Lights Your Happy Fire? —



Carolyn Hastings
Paper Poetry

Well-practiced speech pathologist now practicing to be a children’s book writer — emphasis on practicing.