keyboard Warrior

Free verse

James G Brennan
Paper Poetry
Published in
1 min readJan 14, 2021


Photo: James G. Brennan.

Feelings of empowerment, chest puffed out
like a little robin redbreast, that’s how you look
to the rest of the world.

Never mind that; sure, it’s a great piece!

Nerves tingle, excitement running through
vitriolic fingertips staining pounded keys sending
messages displayed proudly upon the screen.

The heart picks up pace once enter is pressed,
tingling neurons clatter within the tiny brain.

Yes, get in!

It’s just about the extent of vocabulary possessed
as one believes themself to be a critic of distinction.

The keyboard warrior un-masterfully
has their say, so much easier on a keyboard
rather than confrontation face to face;
almost feeling tingles down a spine.
Jellyfish do not have spines.

Written without an ounce of understanding
regarding their experienced situation, the keyboard warrior
put the world to rights, that ounce would have at least
been some kind of measure for a brain.

Puffing out their little redbreast an extra incy wincy bit after offering potential customers complaints from a great seat of knowledge,
the time is now for a well-earned ego stroke.

Thank you as always, Suntonu Bhadra for giving my words a platform. 🙏🙏Thank you all for reading and your precious time. Always. J. 🙏✨



James G Brennan
Paper Poetry

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.