Poemorama at Paper Poetry

“L” is for Laundry

An acrostic poem

Kimberly Hampton Nilsson
Paper Poetry
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2022


Laundry Daze, by Kimberly Hampton Nilsson

Large piles of laundry on the floor
is it really so bad a chore?
some discipline lessens its sense of bore.

Always doin’ my best to clean, fold, and neatly press
wrinkles really do look a mess
time softens expectations I must confess.

Usually, shirts need mending with buttons to sew
I practice mindfulness; to let it flow
it can be a blessing to take it slow.

No pair of socks ever stays a match
the kids don’t bother, just grab-n-snatch
all colors make life fun; one mixed-up batch.

Drying, best done outside, captures a fresh smell
sunshine with a bit of breeze will do just swell
spots and stains gradually dispel.

Relaxation makes the process pleasant
never a task requiring consent
a time to think and chat, graciously heaven sent.

Yes, at the end of a day
laundry is essential and here to stay
gather up those piles and enjoy the play!



Kimberly Hampton Nilsson
Paper Poetry

writer, chiropractor, lover of travel, sport and adventure