Paper Poetry Prompt#5

Labyrinth of Longing

Merging in the transcendent white light

Indubala Kachhawa
Paper Poetry


A calm face outside and a tensed face inside
Sketch by the author
original poetry on paper by the author

I close my eyes in search of the white light,

but am aghast at what’s in sight,

‘m lost in the labyrinth ..

..of the tangled thoughts, the entropy of emotions

.. the unfulfilled dreams.

I breathe in deep to tranquil the tempest,

but appalled at the jargon of the mocking jest,

by the crushed conquest ..

.. of the paths taken, the paths not taken

..the desolate desires.

I sit in silence , away from the worldly chaos

but deafened by the roar raging in my cosmos

..of the battle not won,

..of the love now done.

What else am I, but a spider , spinning its own web,

getting tangled in the same.

Yet, I sit in silence, close my eyes and breathe deep

.. in pursuit of a free mind

from the worldly grind

I pursue, pursue and pursue

Like an ant who never gives up climbing,

despite manifold falling.

I pursue, pursue and pursue

and now take a Vow of Silence, the inner silence,

to quieten the mind, for the soul to speak

I pursue , pursue and pursue

to leave the labyrinth of longing behind

to merge in the white light, one day I’ll find

and free my mind.

a female face only lower part, mind part free
Sketch by the author: The Unbound Free Mind

Thank you Suntonu Bhadra for providing the platform and Melissa Bee for the prompt.

Related Links on the Vow of Silence and merging with the proverbial white light and the tunnel.



Indubala Kachhawa
Paper Poetry

Aquarian by design | Storyteller | Poet |Public Speaker. Sketch artist | Mindful every moment |Spiritual.