Life in Death

Revisiting the Stage

James G Brennan
Paper Poetry
Published in
2 min readSep 9, 2022


Photo: J G. Brennan.

Your best ran time followed a successful tour.
A fine evening with those at your local,
an excellent day one might say;
until the high came crashing down.
Bipolar amplifies raw emotions, now out of control.
Family estranged, can’t turn to once close friends,
who are your true friends these days?
Fame and fortune bring a wealth of those
claiming they are your disciples.
Only the rope will cure your loneliness.

It’s a little while since you left us;
the boards no longer tread
since you decided to trip the light fantastic.
The laser now outlines your image on the screen
above where you once performed,
to gasps of sadness and delight from those who still worship you.
To my surprise, your projected image
is ten times in size cast upon the theatre’s roof,
as though looking from the heavens
upon your adoring children, mesmerised by the screen
where you dance once more.

If they only knew.

For Keef. R.I.P.

James G Brennan 2022

Photo: J G. Brennan. The artist’s looming Laser image above the 5000 strong crowd, taken from my stage position. The audience is looking at a mesh screen above the stage where the artist’s image dances. The laser has to hit a solid object, not the audience; in this case, it’s the roof.

I’ve used the themes, Amplify, Loneliness, and Worship, in this piece.

Thank you, Suntonu Bhadra, Carolyn Hastings, Indubala Kachhawa, for your September challenge and giving my words a platform. 🙏☘✨🙏☘✨🙏☘✨

Thank you Carolyn Hastings for publishing this piece. 🙏☘✨

As per the prompt I invite talented, witty, titan, Paroma Sen to possibly join in, do excuse me and thank you, Paroma.

Here’s the link to the prompt. Ava go if you fancy it.

Thank you all for reading, and your invaluable time. Always. J. 🙏☘✨🍻💥



James G Brennan
Paper Poetry

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.