Poemorama at Paper Poetry

Love & Passion Potion

Can’t explain, it’s not sane

Pedro Rafael
Paper Poetry


Handwritten by the author

Now, even more than before…
How, can't explain, it's not sane…
Heightened emotions concoction,
a bit of love and passion potion.

Now I miss her lips even more,
kissing and caressing them,
smashing that smile with my lips,
crush our passion within and between.

My hands full of her skin
fumbling her smooth silk,
feeling her beating pulse
raising each inch in heat.

How to articulate the mix of thoughts
with such volume of emotions?
I am not knowing how I came to be…
I'm here and sound… just lost and confound.

[aE. Apr3]

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

Love and passion sure make a great potion, an explosive one at that! Plenty of shards going all directions, hitting all or, sometimes, nothing.

Let things run free when love exists.

This was written because it needed to come out, and, as before, in my mind was the prompt launched by Carolyn Hastings, Poemorama at Paper Poetry:

In this poem I attempted to use a bunch of the proposed devices: Alliteration, Enjambment (I think I always use it), Hyperbole, Imagery and I'm not sure if I used Zeugma without having quite understood what it was.

Also, coincidentally, it looks like this poem also fits Part 2 of Poemorama:

I wrote about love and passion, with an ending note on grief.

The photo chosen has a meaning to me: it's 2 sweaty bodies touching, like the passion I talk in the poem, but the perpendicular position and the shadowy tones reflect the confoundedness I conveyed in the last bit of the poem.

