Paper Poetry Prompt

Magical March

Abracadabra, let’s create

Indubala Kachhawa
Paper Poetry
Published in
4 min readMar 1, 2023


Image edited by the author in Canva

Hello Paper Poetry friends,

Sometimes we need fantasy to survive reality. Sometimes fantasy is an escape, sometimes a consolation, sometimes an adrenaline rush, and sometimes an epitome of imagination.

And amongst millions, humans are the only species bestowed with the power of fantasy. We can visualize, dream, fantasize, create or escape from reality to build towers in the cloud, teleport, shapeshift, time travel, talk to mermaids, or whatever takes your fancy.

Maybe, fantasy is not simply a way of escaping from reality, but a way of understanding it. After all, innovations are often the result of having fantasized stuff out of the ordinary.

The great Albert Einstein always placed imagination above intelligence as he believed imagination leads us to another world, a spiritual world, a world where there is abundant universal intelligence.

Paper Poetry ran its February Prompt on similar lines, Fantastically Fantasy to elicit the fantastic fantasies which tickle a poet’s creative turf.

Please check out Suntonu Bhadra’s prompt below:



Indubala Kachhawa
Paper Poetry

Aquarian by design | Storyteller | Poet |Public Speaker. Sketch artist | Mindful every moment |Spiritual.