Memories of Her Lullaby
And my ol’ town
The cozy couch could not get cozier,
The winter darkness was about to fall.
Coos and chitters and the lavender sky;
The reminiscence of my childhood call.
My lovely town, which is too far in time,
For I live from it se’en oceans away.
Yet our hearts select their own residence;
Mine caged at the site of my maa’s lullaby.
The former truths and my later lies,
The base of which, I find in this locale.
The verses of her poetic advice,
Painting my each and every day sky!
I am but a sculpture made up of
The bricks of those unaging walls.
I am but a moment lapsed, resting
My head on mom’s comforting lap.
Wrote this poem when I was 16.