Mi Amor

From my personal diary

Asogwa Ebube
Paper Poetry
1 min read4 days ago


photo credit: my personal design

Mi amor,
my brown-eyed beauty,
my personal van gogh,
you are a masterpiece to behold,
like an art of immeasurable value,
so are you my love.

Like michaelangelo’s david,
a perfect representation of the beauty of the human body,
so are you my love,
right from the thrust of your breasts,
right down to the flaring of your hips,
your body is a work of art,
a perfect symmetry.

Your beautiful voice,
it’s smokey and yet vanilla,
its cadence so pure,
it gives me shivers,
the perfect pitch,
your voice is a weapon,
perfect and pure.

Those for my eyes only pictures you send,
the corky smiles you make in the videos,
the licking of lips as you stare at me,
those half tops you put on,
glimpses of your beautiful flesh,
you are my personal buffet,
a feast for my eyes.

You are my paramour,
my beautiful siren,
every movement designed to pull me in,
everyday leaves me more hungry for you,
more in love with you.
My glory,
my perfect imperfection,
if i could give you anything in the world i’ll definitely do,
my innocence is yours,
and if you could give me anything in the world,
let it be yours too.



Asogwa Ebube
Paper Poetry

"Hey, I'm Ebube—an avid storyteller with a passion for crafting compelling narratives. When I'm not typing away, you'll find me lost in the worlds I create.