
An ode to synchronicity

Jenine Bsharah Baines
Paper Poetry
Published in
1 min readJun 30, 2022


Poet’s fridge/photo by poet

There’s a kind of ear music . . . a rhythmic synchronicity Allen Gurganus

Sometimes it’s a bell ringing
from subtlety’s steeple.

Other times, a stanza’s echo,
sensed rather than heard.

Or a mundane chant
made extraordinary. Neumes
deciphered, morphing,

now post-it notes

sticky with incredulous conviction,
neon-hued, reverence-saturated,
happily forever-stuck
genuflecting carols
at awe’s altar.

Ah, the contentment
of letting go of listening out there.
Instead allowing
arpeggios of coincidence
to transpose
into spherically higher keys

Into odes to joy composed
to refute and scale
the congenital impediment
of being tone deaf.

©Jenine Bsharah Baines 2022



Jenine Bsharah Baines
Paper Poetry

J…Jen…Jeni…Jenine... Proper names are poetry in the raw. (W.H. Auden) Poet, singer, seeker, hippie grandmother gleefully revealing herself