Oh, My Weaver Heart

What not it weaves, from dreams to memories

Somsubhra Banerjee
Paper Poetry
Published in
Nov 23, 2020


Written and Edited by the author using Prisma Application

Weaving delicate dreams,
oh, my weaver heart,
tearing apart and sewing it back together,
memories galore,
silky at times, or maybe muslin,
scratchy cotton or traditional velvety,
woven intricately, bit by bit,
oh, my weaver heart.

Those warm mufflers of a grandfather,
or the monkey caps of a childhood, long lost,
the hand made sweaters stitched by a grandmother,
or the stole of first love, all,
woven intricately, bit by bit,
by a single thread of memories,
oh, my weaver heart!



Somsubhra Banerjee
Paper Poetry

A heart that finds solace in mountains, the whispers of old buildings, silences, books, poetry and football.