Paper Poetry February Prompt

Indubala Kachhawa
Paper Poetry
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2 min readFeb 1, 2024

Paper Poetry wishes all the readers, writers and poets a very Happy Blessed month of Valentine!

May you all devour the drink divine ~ Ambrosia of Love!

Love is a very simple word, simple emotion, and yet so subtle.

It makes the world go round and yet can freeze one in time and space, subconsciously

There could be contrasting perspectives. We are offering a prompt for you to write on a track based on your perspective.

Close your eyes and listen to your subconscious. Talk to the universe and let it talk back to you and convey your deepest thoughts to you.

Click here or on the image below to explore the Paper Poetry February prompt with a twist you would love. ❤️

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

An invitation to join us at Paper Poetry

If you want to write for our publication, please add your information in the Typeform and we will contact you shortly. Alternatively, you can send us an email at with your Medium @ handle.


Paper Poetry — Handwritten words matter

Paper Poetry Editorial





Indubala Kachhawa
Paper Poetry

Aquarian by design | Storyteller | Poet |Public Speaker. Sketch artist | Mindful every moment |Spiritual.