Paper Poetry — Starting Journey

An invitation to the Readers and Writers

Suntonu Bhadra
Paper Poetry
Published in
7 min readAug 17, 2020


PNG image source (free) from Pixabay, illustration, and words by Suntonu Bhadra

Hi everyone,

I am thrilled to introduce ‘Paper Poetry’ to readers and writers.
This note invites respected poets to present their amazing poetic forms to the world but with the inclusion of a handwritten version of the poetry or, at least, some artistic form (drawing/designs/artistry on paper that complements the content).

I believe some of us write poetry in papers in some form (full content or part of it, keywords, themes, etc.). We can present the materials in their original craft, and the behind work for the poetry work through this publication. It is not about offering a new format or style but about showcasing the effort and dedication behind poetry.

Handwritten notes are disappearing day by day due to technological advancement, and it is the requirement and evolution we all are embedding in our life. But somehow, I still believe that handwritten words have a different significance to the readers and writers. And that is one of the main reasons to inaugurate ‘Paper Poetry.’

Another benefit you might be getting out of these is that you could reach out to other social media (Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr) in a differentiated way with the

