April is National Poetry Month

Poemorama is Here!

At Paper Poetry — it’s as easy as ABC

Carolyn Hastings
Paper Poetry
Published in
10 min readApr 1, 2024


A colourful feathery abstract design on a black background with the label, Poemorama 2024 overlaid in the centre.
Image by Speedy McVroom from Pixabay edited by author in Canva

Hooray! Poemorama is here again!
It’s now three years in a row
There’s something in it for everyone
Come on! Let’s all give it a go!

Yay! It’s April!

For those in the know, April is National Poetry Month in the US.

For us here at Paper Poetry, April is more than a celebration of poetry.

April is Poemorama!

It’s our very own annual, month-long poetry party!

We first ran Poemorama in 2022. It was hugely popular, so we ran it again last year — and, again, the response to the prompts was amazing.

How could we not do it again this year?

Whether you’re setting yourself a personal NaPoWriMo challenge to write a poem every day for the month, or to pick ’n’ choose one or two prompts that ignite your creative spark, Poemorama is here for you.

Maybe you’re a novice and only just now discovering the poet inside you. Poemorama is here to help you; after all, there’s always room in this world for more poets. 😍



Carolyn Hastings
Paper Poetry

Well-practiced speech pathologist now practicing to be a children’s book writer — emphasis on practicing.