Image of nuclear bomb detonating with birds flying over ravaged lands
Images by Matrix, GDJ, ionebacero from Pixabay — Text and overlay enhancements by author



Wake Up!

Paper Poetry
Published in
3 min readJul 6, 2022


1965 — Raine, 15, at the time of the Vietnam Conflict:

“Ban the bomb!” cried the fantail,
As it flew — as it flew into the sky.
Forests razed, a toxic trail,
Nature mourned — plants and fauna wilting, die.
Human beings railed!

Fantail soared in acid heights,
Dark cinders ripped at searing, fragile wings.
Dipped and weaved in panicked fright,
Birds screamed, fell from skies — nevermore to sing,
Joined the longest night!

“Police Action! Not a war!”
Politicians beat hollow chests like drums,
Denied all, till throats were sore.
Parents mourned the loss of their precious sons.
What was this War for?

Peace symbols proud worn by youths,
Marched for Free Love,” with flowers in their hair.
Did they understand the truth?
Lamented draft in folksy songs of fear,
Hugged, dope smoked, swilled booze!

Young soldiers green, not knowing why they fought,
Acid-tripped away the pain.
Drugs quelled nightmares — wild, fearful minds distraught,
Shouldered arms in muck and rain,
Died in mud for nought!

“Ban the bomb,” cried the fantail
As it fell — as it fell — ash back to earth.
Human shame. Has all hope sailed?
Can future man join and work for rebirth?
Too late? Will we fail?

2022 — Raine writes an opposing view as war rages in Ukraine:

Ah, the young and discontent —
Blinkered vision, lacks areas of grey.
Would you not halt the despot’s mal-intent?
Talk peace in war rooms as they
Slaughter innocents?

It’s futile, have you not heard?
To brandish knives in face of guns and bombs,
Nor wave placards — quite absurd!
Watch evil goosestep through beloved home,
Is your anger stirred?

Do we rest as ravage moves,
Destroying hope and lives in foreign lands?
Withholding help because you disapprove,
And not lift a single hand?
All support removed!

Our forebears fought for freedom.
Went down with ships, and swam through burning oil,
Marched to war — on foolish whim,
Risking life and limb to protect our soil.
Do you reject them?

Mankind has to find a place
Where all hearts join in peace with common goals
But how to stop despot’s race,
Exerting force and rule with cruel control?
It’s a problem case!

Fantail's cries remain unheard
It plummets — deathly dive from ashen skies
Good souls turn, their hopes deterred.
Land seared, soldiers die, homes gone, children cry.
Mourn we just the bird?

I was in my early teens, when the USA first deployed troops to Vietnam in 1965. I did not understand the politics involved, but I understood the growing movement of my peers.

Young people rallied all over the Western world, bemoaning the threat to the environment, their way of life, and their safety.

The younger generation explored and tested the idea of free speech and free love, loudly decrying governments and foreign military policy.

The best I could do at the time, was write poetry!

The big question still remains, should we get involved in foreign wars?



Paper Poetry

Independent author, reader, graphic artist and photographer. Dabbling in illustration and animation. Top Writer in Fiction. Visit