

A free verse poetry response to “the moon”

James G Brennan
Paper Poetry
Published in
2 min readNov 10, 2020


Photo by James G. Brennan.

Revered in all cultures across the earth,
Assigning Godesses and deities in your name.
Paid tributes by scholars and poets
Revering your presence and influence on our worlds.

Even sea’s act upon your magnetic attraction,
Sometimes loud and bold, other times quiet and shy,
Both displaying highs and lows, no, not like our human moods.

Rhythms, navigation, reproduction, lunar timings,
Flowers blooming attracting their pollinators in bright moonlight
While dung beetles roll acquired dung in straight lines, quickly
Before their predators find them to eat.

Without you, dear moon, they would just roll around in circles, just like us.

No scientific evidence for our mood changes,
Tell that to those who howl at the moon along with the wolves,
It’s not madness; it’s just a bit of fun, so I found.

Even in popular culture your influence is one of mystery and grace.
Some say “the dark side of the moon” while others say “the far side of the moon.” Your synchronicity with the earth always shows us your good side.
“The man in the moon.”

They said you had no atmosphere, how wrong they are
Always the sphere of wonder whether you be bright, dark or smiling.

Holding a secret many a human would literally die for, erosion
Is alien to your sur-face.

Writing on paper in humidity, it ain't easy…

This piece is in response to Melissa Bee’s “Moon” prompt. Read Melissa’s wonderful piece here…

Thank you, Suntonu Bhadra, as always for giving my words a platform.🙏
Thank you all for reading and your precious time. Always. J. 🙏



James G Brennan
Paper Poetry

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.