Silence is Golden

The whispers of my inner being

Trista Signe Ainsworth
Paper Poetry


Calligraphy, Watercolor and Colored Pencil Art by the author: Trista Signe Ainsworth

Silence speaks what words cannot,
Sending healing and love,
Energy travels the miles for you,
Sending the waves of hope.

Silence dares where voices do not,
Providing shelter in the waves,
Beauty on a floating light beam,
Sending the message of stillness.

Silence stands where utterances waver,
Helping to calm the storm,
Heartbeats felt across the distance,
Sending love where doubt once stood.

Silence gives while noise drones on,
Gifting our spirits shelter,
The glowing light is always present,
Sending our heart to all.

I felt this poem come to me in fits and starts the past few days. My inner being spoke to me, begging me to create. Today I sat down and created this poem, and my heart now feels light. This is dedicated to those that we send love and light to every single day. It may be challenging to communicate with them in other ways, but we can send our love in a light beam, anytime we desire. This ability is open to each and every one of us, and I see its beauty now.

Poetry in process: Photo by the author: Trista Signe Ainsworth

Thank you Suntonu Bhadra for gifting us all a home for our words. Thank you Melissa Bee for your friendship, creativity, editing work and constant joy.



Trista Signe Ainsworth
Paper Poetry

I write stories of love and encouragement from my heart to yours.