Thank you, Indubala

And best wishes from all of us at Paper Poetry.

Suntonu Bhadra
Paper Poetry
2 min read2 days ago


Photo by cottonbro studio

Hi everyone,

I hope this note finds you all well.

First, I apologize for my absence from Medium and for not fulfilling my responsibilities as an editor. I love to write, but for some time (a long time), I have struggled to dedicate myself to writing. But I’m confident of a comeback soon.

This is not my welcome-back story, as you can tell from the headline. What is it then?

Along with me, Carolyn and Indubala are the editorial team members for Paper Poetry, and during my absence in recent days, they have been handling the full load to support our writers. However, recently, due to personal reasons, our beloved editor and writer, Indubala Kachhawa has decided to step down from her editorial position.

As you know, Indubala always had helpful connections with writers and has successfully managed many amazing prompts and announcements for our publication. She was also an active contributor to the Paper Poetry publication. I’m sure many of our current writers had the chance to interact with her on their submissions, and Indubala truly supported the publication of content in Paper Poetry.

Poetry series is a special part of Paper Poetry, where invited writers present us their elegant style of poetry on a particular theme; and Indubala managed it elegantly. She was relentless in connecting and coordinating with the writers to help them publish their works on specific themes and was also instrumental in finding different themes for different poets. The poetry series is indeed popular because of her effort to make it special and we couldn’t ask for more!

We (Carolyn and I) will miss our interactions with Indubala as editors, writers, and friends. The brainstorming for poetry projects and the discussions related to poetry series — all truly helped Paper Poetry to experiment and grow.

Thank you, Indubala. Our best wishes are with you and your family! Paper Poetry is forever indebted to you. And, as you know, our doors are always open for you.

Till our paths crossed again!

Suntonu Bhadra

