Quoetry: A Poem Inspired by a Quote | Paper Poetry

The Higher We Soar

The smaller we appear

John Hansen PAL
Paper Poetry
Published in
Sep 2, 2024


A small red plane high up in a cloud filled blue sky. The title of the poem overlies it.
Image by Chalo Garcia from Pixabay (text added by author using PicFont)

“The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly” — Friedrich Nietzsche

The higher we soar
the smaller we appear
to those who cannot fly.

Stranded on the ground
they try to find fault
and bring us back to Earth.

Why don’t they seek wings
so they can soar with us,
and pursue their own goals?

2024 © John Hansen: All rights reserved.
Australian writer

The handwritten text of the poem “The Higher We Soar”
handwritten poem — photo by author



John Hansen PAL
Paper Poetry

Freelancer, poet, and short fiction writer, who loves experimenting with different styles and genres. Writing is in my soul and it won't leave!