
The List

Let the shopping begin

Amy Jasek
Paper Poetry
Published in
Nov 23, 2020


iPhone photo, Hipstamatic app (photo by author)

Cranberries and apples,
cinnamon, butter, sugar,
vanilla, flour,
and a bird — a big one
with all the sage and onions
you can find
tubers russet and orange,
to match the pie
Jack-o-lantern, we repurpose you
with spice and cream and eggs
the long straight legs
of beans so green and snappy,
bread to roll around in the gravy,
yeast giving rise
to another Thankful day

Happy almost Thanksgiving, friends! I hope you have a long string of days full of gratitude and joy, regardless of what you eat on Thursday. May blessings stuff your house to the brim Thank you for giving me a moment of your time in reading this! If you’re looking for me, I’ll be at the grocery store or in the kitchen. . .

