Poemorama at Paper Poetry

The Mundane and The Spectacular

A poem about writing

Paper Poetry
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2024


© Dennett ~ April 9, 2024

We write of the mundane and the spectacular
looking for an audience of more than one
We search for hooks and gotchas
to capture a reader’s attention
Someone passing by or holding on
to see what we have to say
We need that sly angle or fix
an invitation to stay longer
To read, smile, comment, clap
show us the love we crave when
Words are put to paper or screen
when our souls are bared and bold
Don’t take us too seriously
no confessions, tests, or tell-alls
Just writers writing another day
of the mundane and the spectacular.

© Dennett 2024

© Dennett

Sometimes, readers are more serious than the words they read. Sometimes, writers use tools to grab attention. Sometimes, readers take them as seriously as…



Paper Poetry

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.