iPoetry-Paper Poetry prompt

The Past

Paper Poetry — “The Ghost of the Past”

Poetic Therapy
Paper Poetry
Published in
2 min readOct 23, 2021


Don’t Look Back, By Shadai

Ghosts are not as scary as me
But I could not be a better friend

Those who run forward to me
Are actually turning their back-end

I teach only to those who give their ear to lend

I am the history that does not need to be written in pen

— Shadai

This was the perfect spooky prompt for how I feel at the moment. Lately,
those I have considered family, friends — even coworkers — have revealed their true face from under the mask. I would have never thought these people would be monsters! They have done hideous things & have hideous secrets .. and. boy, is it ugly, and just in time for Halloween.

The Past whispered in my ear a few days ago & said:

I’ve taught you many things this year about the people around you.
But what would you say is your biggest lesson?
To not keep secrets even though they might try and threaten you?
To expose the lies even though they might try and ridicule you?
To keep your head held high on those who look down on you?
To remain humble, you never know when you will need a favor?
To be kind, it will always find

