The Saga of Jack the Tumbleweed

A hendecasyllable blank verse poem

Sherry Atkinson
Paper Poetry
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2024


Jack, a lonely tumbleweed, bumbled about
The desert, propelled by the whim of the wind.

Since locomotion was out of his control
He learned to find joy in the unexpected.

He looked forward to blindsiding rattlesnakes,
And racing with horned toads and little lizards.

Even with his carefree life, Jack longed for love.
He wished the wind would blow a mate in his path.

One fine day, just rolling along the highway
Not seeing anything much that was real new.

The wind stopped blowing, and suddenly Jack stopped.
Jack heard the screeching of car tires behind him.

Out of the car jumped a beautiful woman.
She gently picked him up, crying, You poor thing!

I could have crushed you if my brakes did not work.
Come on, little buddy, let’s go for a walk.

My name is Jill. You look like a Jack to me.
We’ll climb to the top of that slope over there.



Sherry Atkinson
Paper Poetry

Taking off my mask to write about what matters to me. I enjoy connecting with other writers/authors/poets.