The Teardrops on Her Pillow

Her journey to self-discovery and emotional resilience

Paper Poetry


Image by Amaury Michaux on Pexels

The teardrops on her pillow would dry as she slept
Her soul quietly wished to be on cloud nine and never wept
For life threw sour lemons that stung her wounded heart and flecked
She desired to run wild free and shatter the self-image of defect

Never again did she let the depths pull her toward the bottom and drown
Because only she can swim for herself and rise from the ground
She never knew she was as beautiful as the dusk and dawn
That many adored but her self-concept made her frown

The unfortunate events taught her lessons to embody inner resilience
Her courage peaked and prevailed over her pain in silence
Through time, she chose to regain her strength with perseverance
That her eighteen year old self wished to embody and possess

Image by the Author



Paper Poetry

Hi, I am Grace and I write what comes to my mind. It can be 12 AM thoughts or anything that pops into my mind while doing something. 💭