Respect Respect

The Thinking Tree

My Response to a poetry prompt

John Hansen PAL
Paper Poetry
Published in
4 min readAug 2, 2023


Image by June Simonton from Pixabay (Text added by author using PicFont.)

Once there was a tree -
a very majestic tree,
and there was a little girl.
Her name was Lora Lee.

Lora Lee loved to climb
up in its leafy branches.
The tree welcomed the little girl,
and tried to give her answers.

This tree had lived for many years
and still standing it remained.
It was called the Thinking Tree
for the knowledge it had gained.

Lora Lee came to the tree one day,
saying, “Tree, I am quite sad.
A friend is being very cruel -
it seems I make her mad.

She always has been kind before,
but something must be wrong.
She even told me to be quiet
when I sang her a song.”

The tree listened intently,
it cared about its friend.
And did not interrupt her,
before her story’s end.



John Hansen PAL
Paper Poetry

Freelancer, poet, and short fiction writer, who loves experimenting with different styles and genres. Writing is in my soul and it won't leave!