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The Tired Poet

A poem for World Poetry Day

Priyanka Srivastava
Published in
1 min readMar 22, 2023


“Always be a poet even in prose”
I wish I could write this.
but there are days when the truth is harsh,
when you can’t make a poem out of your sadness,
when you fail to paint the moon in the sky
or are too tired to rhyme your life.

You want to look away from the mirror
but your shadow clings with you.
You can feel the weight of that baggage
which you can’t let go.

So what do you do when it’s all dark?
How do you walk away from that grief?
You try knowing you will fail.
You write again a poem and
fool your heart.
You walk again in that never land..
You heal, you grow.

This poem is inspired by the amazing prompt by The Paper Poetry Team

Today is World Poetry Day and even when I am exhausted and my mind is tired I had to write a poem today. It’s always nice to walk back in the poems at the end of the day. Hoping to write and share more in the coming days.



Priyanka Srivastava
Paper Poetry

Editor of Literary Impulse, Writer when I am free, Artist when my words are silent and reader when there are books which I love to read.