“The way we think”

Rethinking thought

Arup Roy
Paper Poetry


“plato cave_small” (Plato’s cave allegory) by Storybuilder is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Image from Google search (Creative Commons)

The way we think, surely is a fruit of what we know,

What we know, however, fruits from the seeds of knowledge in our minds that “they” sow,

Wasn’t though the person with the pen, also, usually not the one with a better gun, a better sword, better arrows, and a better bow?

So, to hell with the way we think, and what we know;

Should we wipe it all out?

Should we begin afresh?

Should we do it layer by layer, or all in one go?

~ Orup | April 2021

Image and words by the writer.

Others by Orup:

Why Marry?


