The Who You Want Me to Be

There’s a storm rolling in

Raine Lore
Paper Poetry
Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2023


Image by ELG21 from Pixabay. Edits by Raine Lore

I’m not the who you want of me!
The who you think I am
is not the one who lives within;
Exhibit A — a sham.

You bound my heart, kidnapped my soul,
twisted, shaped and fashioned,
pounded, molded, beaten, scolded,
deaf to pleas impassioned.

My introspective, gentle heart,
sad and disrespected,
but ego urges, “Shine, conform —
be what is expected!”

Fashioned, groomed, bent to your whim,
cling to your arm; a mannequin.
Outward changed but not within,
Beware! A storm is rolling in!

You built a plinth to stand me on,
your cohorts to admire,
but posing false above a crowd
is not what I desire.

I often dreamed of sunshine fields;
painted words, whispered songs
where games are played with unicorns —
a place where I belong.

Now — knowing pulses through my veins,
soul begs to be set free.
Soft joyful grace, my heart expands;
the joy of loving me!

Fashioned, groomed, bent to your whim
Outward changed but not within,
to own this farce would be a sin
Beware! A storm is rolling in!

When someone told me I live in a fantasy land, I nearly fell off my unicorn!

Play with unicorns, I dare you! Gif by julientromeur from Pixabay



Raine Lore
Paper Poetry

Independent author, reader, graphic artist and photographer. Dabbling in illustration and animation. Top Writer in Fiction. Visit