Poetry Prompt | Pass It On

The Year Keeps Rolling and So Do We

A legacy or a liability?

Carolyn Hastings
Paper Poetry
Published in
4 min readJul 30, 2022


A swirling collection of facial emojis and emoticons against a black background.
Image by John Hain from Pixabay

Greetings one and all wherever you may be,

It’s great to have you here in whatever capacity you’re in. Another day, another week to be grateful for sharing this space with you. 🙏 💞

Last week, Suntonu Bhadra informed us that he and his partner had contracted covid and were in home isolation doing their best to fend off the viral symptoms. I’m happy to report they are progressing well. Thank you for your kind thoughts and well wishes for their recovery — they greatly appreciate your care and concern. 🙏

As unwell as he was, Suntonu still had the oomph to set us a writing challenge for Paper Poetry’s Week 22 prompt. Themed, 2022 as I see it, Suntonu invited us to ‘write whatever you want to express about 2022’.

I set the ball rolling with a cinquain poem, Mad Men of 2022, about the Ukraine war, an atrocity that has, for me, defined the year to date.

Toni Crowe joined in with her micropoem, Danger, that spoke of ongoing troubles.

Raine Lore looked at the topic from the perspective of her grandparents who lived through exceedingly tough times — What Would They Say About 2022.



Carolyn Hastings
Paper Poetry

Well-practiced speech pathologist now practicing to be a children’s book writer — emphasis on practicing.