Unhappy Beach Dog’s Life

Free verse poetry

James G Brennan
Paper Poetry
Published in
1 min readSep 3, 2020


Photo by James. G. Brennan.

Beach dog, scared, starving,
Emaciated, too frightened to take
The food on offer.

Oh yeah a great companion
For those months spent
In time away from home at the beach.

Cruelty conveniently ignored
Burned up in the jet stream
By the animal lovers heartless devotion.

Leaving their shabby friend fending for themself
On an empty beach filed with no compassion to eat,
At least they have tiny crabs to feast upon.

Catch one if you can.

Photo by James. G. Brennan.

Thank you Suntonu Bhadra for giving my words a platform here at
Paper Poetry… Thank you all for reading and your valuable time. J.



James G Brennan
Paper Poetry

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.