
Paper Poetry Prompt#3

James G Brennan
Paper Poetry
Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2020


Photo by James. G. Brennan.

Here I find myself again after
Four too many drinks.
Not enough consumed to satisfy,
No one to say enough
Or will power to stop,
I hold my alcohol too well.

Once again my decision to drink more
Will be at the roll of my dice, every side is a six
So I’m always a winner!

“Another Guinness please, and one more Jameson whiskey.”

Work is chaotic weekends,
So Monday evening is where it starts,
In fact, it never stops this rolling on of
Untamed hedonistic behaviour,
I know it will stop after my time at work is over,
Once the plane touches down on home soil.

I’ve reached the age where health needs to be
Taken into account, health over booze?
This is me being trapped between my own
Rock and a hard place,
the only voice to say enough
Is the one inside my head.

I know I am going to drink that bottle of wine
And a quarter bottle of rum when I get back in from the pub.
I will be home in two months, the time to stop.

“Guinness please, ah go on, another Jameson.”

This piece is in response to Paroma Sen’s “Roll of the dice & Amy Marley’s
“Rock and a hard place” Thank you, ladies, for this prompt. Don’t be concerned by the way, this is inspired from five years ago, not my behaviour now. Muh ha ha haa. Here is the link should you be interested in ‘avin’ a go.
Ahh go on.

Thank you Suntonu Bhadra for giving my words a platform here at Paper Poetry. Thank you all for reading and your precious time. Always. J.



James G Brennan
Paper Poetry

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.