Wheel Of Time

… swaps some parts with our soul in their rendezvous over an year

Indubala Kachhawa
Paper Poetry


a girl wearing a red sweater and a red cap and a huge clock in the background
Image courtesy Canva Pro
Handwritten Poem on Paper by the Author

Regular days and regular nights,
Similar people, and the very same sights
Winding, walking hand in hand for 365 dawns and dusks
Nothing changes, the tenacious clock tick-tocks, tick-tocks

Then one day, the cogent calendar year declares it has moved on
leaving us behind, alone
With memories, only memories, a handful of memories
created in the moments.

Telling us on our faces
That life is lived in moments, not ages
This year will never come back and is bidding goodbye
Every moment of the year slipping by
flashes in front of the emotive eye,
good, bad, nostalgically we remember
observing from far, very far as a silent spectator
Yes, spectators, we are
and will be for the time bygone.



Indubala Kachhawa
Paper Poetry

Aquarian by design | Storyteller | Poet |Public Speaker. Sketch artist | Mindful every moment |Spiritual.