When Nothingness Means Something

What hides behind nothingness?

Thalia Dunn
Paper Poetry
Published in
2 min readAug 21, 2022


image by author

Free flowing observations pertaining to NOTHINGNESS:

Nature abhors a vacuum

or so Aristotle believed
which means
there is something in the emptiness.

Something lurks in the nothingness,

an inkling of an idea,
an atom of creativity,
a flicker of light,
waiting to be released
from the whirlwind of chaos
and flung into the universe
in its proper time.

— — — — — — — — — —

A random poem about nothing at all
will circle back to something
even though nothingness doesn’t mean a thing,

as meaningless as blue faded T-shirts
tossed into the goodwill pile;

as worthless as lumpy sleeping bags
that kept us warm on camping trips.

Nothingness earns its non-place
as it moves out of our lives,
for, whatever “it” was,
it held our hearts
and gave us what was best for then…



Thalia Dunn
Paper Poetry

I’ve been scribbling in notebooks and journals for years and finally decided to share with like-minded pilgrims on our adventure through life.