The rather wonderful — I seem to be a verb

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2 min readNov 3, 2010

Here’s another ‘flip it round to read the other half’ style book. This one is the brilliant I Seem to be a Verb by the legendary R. Buckminster Fuller. One of those magical social/utopianist paper backs from the end of the ’60s. It’s designed by Quentin Fiore who’s book design work is spectacular — very much the designer as collaborator and co-creator. As with all of Fiore’s work there are plenty of tricks with sequence and narrative. He uses two colours through out the book to split the bi-directional narrative. This is easily as good as the two books he created with Marshall McLuhan; War and Peace in the Global Village and The Medium is the Massage, but tend not to get the same attention.

A great bit of book design.

