Last week in royalties, music tech & blockchain — December 2016 Week 01 Edition

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2 min readDec 7, 2016

The Changing World of Music Royalties
Today, the music industry generates over $160 billion in worldwide revenue, less than ten percent of which is from the sale of recorded music. As the industry evolves, new revenue sources continue to be created. Read more

Blockchain in Financial Services — Hype or Reality?
Why are Financial Services firms interested in Blockchain? First they see the potential for cost reduction in processes like trade settlement and reconciliation. 70% of the costs are due to the complexity of internal processes. Read more

Alles Geld den Kreativen
(In German) A Berlin court has ruled that music publishers have no right to profit from the work of authors. Read more

What does Universal what from its deal with Spotify?
Streaming has contributed more than $1bn at UMG this year, but the major — like its fellow blockbuster labels — remains on a rolling contract with Daniel Ek’s service. Read more

R3 Corda: What makes it different
Corda is quite unlike any other Distributed Ledger platform that currently exists. So we’ll be releasing lots of information in the coming weeks and months. To understand why it looks the way it does, I thought I’d share the journey we went on to build it. Read more

Lyric-sharing deals aim to support songwriters
Genius says that it acquires only properly licensed lyrics, so any of Spotify’s 100m users worldwide who click on Genius-sourced lyrics are in theory helping send royalty checques to those rights holders. Read more

Why these 7 music business execs just visited Palestine — and what you to join them in 2017
Martin Goldschmidt and the founding team of PMX are hoping to begin to change by educating the future music industry and opening the doors to Palestine, both to international acts considering it as a touring destination and to aid the growth of Palestinian musicians in the global market. Read more

BrandSpins Acquires Sync Licensing Firm MusicDealers
According to BrandSpins and Tuchscher, MusicDealers actually has a lot worth saving, including a massive catalog and tons of brand relationships. Read more

Global songwriter royalty collections up 8.5% to €7.5bn in 2015
That represented an increase 8.5% on 2014, according to the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) — although this figure was significantly boosted by favourable currency. (The increase stood at 3.5% at constant currency.) Read more

Originally published at on December 7, 2016.




Paperchain has developed the first collateral-backed loan product for streaming media to get creators paid faster.