Esplanade 2 Oil on Belgian linen, 51 x 41 cm

An exhibition of nudes

Papercut Magazine
Papercut Magazine
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2016


My painting method is to commence with sketches and photographs or video stills of models. I manipulate the images, often producing several versions of the same pose, using these as reference for when I commence the painting. Initially I sketch directly onto the canvas, carefully constructing the composition. This is a critical stage of the process, ensuring that the form is accurate. I then begin to apply the paint as is shown in the demonstration video for ‘Reclining Nude 1’. I never really finish a painting. I like them to have a spontaneous feel, so I try not to overwork them.

For me, creating art is a compulsion. It’s difficult to explain why. If I’m unable to create for any great length of time I start to become restless and the ‘need’ can become almost overwhelming. I heard John Olsen describe it best when he once compared it to an itch that needs to be scratched.

Something that inspires me to create is beauty: whether a beautiful face or figure or the magistic beauty of nature. I’m also very inspired by other art and artists. The first thing that registers with me when I walk into a room are the paintings on the walls.

I grew up with very little exposure to art, apart from a few small oil paintings done by one of my aunts. I was fascinated by these and felt a special affinity with her. She always encouraged my artistic efforts and I think my journey towards following her example and becoming an artist I can put down to two prominent childhood experiences: The first incident was when I was given my first set of oils at the age of nine, after pestering mum for ages. I still recall the thrill of the experience of starting my first oil painting, with the delightful odour of gum turpentine and linseed oil wafting around me. For my very first attempt I painted a big old blue gum that was in front of our house. The second incident occurred at the age of fourteen when I attempted my first life drawing. The sixteen year old girl next door had been showing me a book of nudes by the old masters. She then offered to pose naked for me. I became an artist that day and have been obsessed by art ever since.

Reclining Nude 1 Oil on Belgian linen, 51 x 76 cm
Reclining Nude 3 Oil on Belgian linen, 51 x 76 cm
Standing Nude Oil on Belgian linen, 76 x 61 cm

Words and Paintings by Glen Miller

About the Author

Glen Miller has exhibited in group and solo shows in Australia and overseas. His works are held in numerous art collections, including Perpetual Trustees, Sydney; a large canvas titled ‘Christmas Eve’, now held in a private collection in Melbourne, formerly hung at the Crown Casino.

