La Franja vs Los Tiburones

The Futbol Series

Papercut Magazine
Papercut Magazine
Published in
3 min readJul 18, 2016


In our past, the great painters before us like Michelangelo, Monet and Picasso, brought eternal life, beauty and emotion to subjects that carried inherent significance in their times (religion, events, war and landscapes). With the futbol series, I bring to life the significance and inherent beauty of futbol. For millions of people throughout every nation in the world, and for myself, futbol is an integral part of life. More than the joy of playing futbol and it being part of my heritage, I paint futbol because I believe in it. I believe in its unrestrained beauty and potential, its long standing and revered tradition and its captivating power to unite and move the people of the world.

Classico Paisa

The people of the world refer to futbol as the beautiful game. It is a sport nearly parallel to an art form as you engage practically every part of your body in rhythmic unison, moving as one with the ball. It has a very profound effect upon the people of the world because it is everyone’s sport and anyone, anywhere can play. You don’t have to be the strongest or the tallest, or have money. All you need is a ball and the earth beneath your feet. Every four years, futbol brings the world together to share their passion and experience the World Cup. Crime rates go down and everyone — the young, old, male, female, people of every color, the rich and the poor all become united by our passion for the goal.

Classico del Norte

The people of the world refer to futbol as the beautiful game. It is a sport nearly parallel to an art form as you engage practically every part of your body in rhythmic unison, moving as one with the ball. It has a very profound effect upon the people of the world because it is everyone’s sport and anyone, anywhere can play. You don’t have to be the strongest or the tallest, or have money. All you need is a ball and the earth beneath your feet. Every four years, futbol brings the world together to share their passion and experience the World Cup. Crime rates go down and everyone — the young, old, male, female, people of every color, the rich and the poor all become united by our passion for the goal.

About the Author

Betirri Bengtson was born in 1982 in Puebla, Mexico. In 1997, he moved with his mother and his two siblings to Houston, TX where they still currently reside. In Houston, Betirri continued his lifelong interest in art and architecture and obtained his Bachelors of Arts in Architecture from the Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and his Bachelors of Fine Arts at the University of Houston.

