“Noose Feed”

The Man Behind The Screen

Papercut Magazine
Papercut Magazine
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2019


Artwork & Words by David Arms

Militant police and school shooters regularly kill innocent people without consequence. Corporations rape our mother Earth leading to drastic climate change and the disappearance of ever-dwindling natural resources. These are but some of the catastrophic problems that must be addressed immediately or we will all suffer.

“Raze Awareness”

Yet it is much easier to engulf ourselves in the echo chambers of our minds while ignoring the world as it burns. Big Brother knows this, thus we are sold on prioritizing the curation of our own personalities over the salvation of humanity as a whole. As a result America is full of self-obsessed celebrities in our own tiny worlds. Those who aren’t being killed are suffering beneath a chic facade. After seeing the video of Eric Garner getting choked to death by the NYPD, I was sure we would start to see reform in our country, but sadly it seems we’ve doubled down on escapism. Let us step out from behind the safety of our phones and look into the teary eyes of the abused.


Companies are watching our every keystroke and selling this information to advertisers who convince us to buy products that reflect whatever political opinions we have. Too often we gladly ignore the man behind the curtain in favor of a sale or a funny story about a cute dog. Entertainment and social media aren’t inherently evil, but we must remain vigilant against brainwashing and work to figure out what is real and what is fictitious regarding our country’s crimes against humanity. The problems that face our world cannot be swiped away. They will only continue to grow out of control until they are resolved or until they boil over.

“The Martyr’s Crown is a Leather Boot”

At the end of the day my hope is to help people break free of the invisible shackles we voluntarily bind ourselves in. There are several billion humans on our Earth, and if we turn our attention toward righting our wrongs we can reverse the damage that has been done and usher in a brighter world.

We must arm ourselves with intelligence and take the steps necessary to help our planet and all life upon it. No amount of likes on Facebook will matter when humanity is ripping itself apart.

You view more of David’s work on his www.david-arms.com and follow him on Instagram: @artbydavidarms

