The Unknown River

Papercut Magazine
Papercut Magazine


So, here it is, in front of them, right there, under their eyes. This land, this place, this dream. Life has come true finally. They are where they never really expected to go but they are feeling something they always unconsciously wished for. They are in this very particular moment when everyone of them is breathing this fresh air, this breeze of life. No wonder nor hopes in mind, nothing to say, stifled sobbings in the throat, only standing there, feet on the ground, seeing with their soul through their eyes. No sound around, they are only breathing and appreciating the moment, all looking in the same direction. They are part of this concrete and amazing thing called friendship. An indestructible love, forever present in their heart no matter where, what, why or who ; they’ll be connected, linked to each other for the time they have left on Earth, and more.

They all had their own pasts, sorrows, difficulties, joys, doubts…in fact they all had their own ways. Some had big dreams, others were grieving, cursed in any form of darkness ; some else were having a regular little existence, nicely, without really wondering about things, and, life finally brought them here. Along the road they finally found each other, a bunch of real friends, another kind of family. Different ages, different continents, different languages, different tastes, different ways to finally end here, somewhere none of them ever heard about, a place they never known, never went to.

The path to this high point has been long, steep, broke and stony but it was worth the view they have now, it all was worth the feel they have now. This place they’re at is immensely unbelievable, so simple in a way but so wonderful, kind of unearthly. It is the top of a high hill, tall trees behind them, some fickle clouds dancing with the late stars on this early morning glow. There is a soft fog down on the valley, slowly vanishing in the air, revealing a long snake made of mirrors, a river, this river, the unknown river, running along the almost green valley.

Here they are on this cold winter morning, with the early sun rising up from the horizon above this lovely and purely beautiful scenery. Them, friends, with all their pasts but so warm-hearted and kind. On this right moment the past doesn’t exist anymore and future doesn’t exist already. They simply know that everything has changed and everything will be different someday, but them, they will stay true, deep inside they’ll never change. For sure, they’ll never be the ones they were before because they have, henceforth, something more carried in their heart. So, they are here, and, they are, each of them, on this precious moment, feeling deeply and merely good wearing their brightest smile on their face.

How do I know all of that, how could I see ? Well, because I’m part of them, I am with them, but I’m no longer looking at the scenery. They didn’t notice it but I turned my head and I’m now looking at them, their lovely faces, their bright eyes, sunrays reflecting on their hair, the soft breeze caressing their cheeks. I swear I can feel their serenity amongst mine. And I’m wearing the most joyful smile I’ve ever had, being thankful to be here on this very moment, having an unbounded gratitude to life for letting me know those persons. In a way I’d like to take a picture of them right now, try to capture this [feeling] but I won’t ; I will simply keep their image in my heart forever, slowly turn my head back to the extraordinary landscape in front of us and share this little time with them, silent, peaceful, free.

Words by Laure Lacornette

Visit Laure’s website for more poems and short stories and follow her on twitter.

