Urban Interventions

street artist Sath turns the everyday into art

Papercut Magazine
Papercut Magazine
2 min readMar 7, 2016


Love is in the h-air | 2014

Urban interventions make me feel free. They’re like an outdoor museum open at all times, by and for everyone. And at the same time, it adds beauty to the space, bringing shapes and colors to otherwise sad and degraded surfaces.

Hole Shit

I have no fixed working timeline. Sometimes I have an idea, I make a sketch from it and then I look for the most appropriate spot to do it. Other times the spot and what surrounds it helps me to imagine an idea.

The titles of the works are often important for me. They are part of the work and help to better understand the meaning I want to convey. I have a notebook full of words and doodles, which I then use to develop the idea and final work. Rarely do I create a title after the work is finished. I am always coming up with ideas. Puns come to my mind watching a movie, reading a text, while I sleep or just during a conversation with friends.

I be-leaf in you | 2015

At the end of the day, I enjoy painting and traveling. It’s for this reason that I attempt to combine the two activities. Working on the streets helps me to learn more about the traditions, culture and thoughts of the community, as well as meet local artists . Hopefully I can continue to keep doing this wherever life takes me.


Words, Images, & Artwork by Sath

You can check out more of Sath’s work on his facebook page

Originally published at www.papercutmag.com on March 7, 2016.

