Venus vs Mars

Papercut Magazine Launches a new Artist Invite (Open Call) in Collaboration with Ello

Papercut Magazine
Papercut Magazine


If Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, then 2017 kicked off the start of an interplanetary battle of the sexes. From the women’s march on Washington, to female drivers in the Middle East, and now the fall of Hollywood male royalty, the matriarchal rebellion has found the Death Star plans.

Yet while current headlines paint a picture of the patriarchy in decline, they’re far from losing the war. Women are still paid less than men for the same work, boardrooms and public offices across the globe are still dominated by humans with a Y chromosome, and many women in Third World countries aren’t allowed to work, hold office, or go to school, and suffer from rampant domestic abuse, rape, kidnapping, and slavery.

To kickoff 2018, we’ve team up with Ello for our very first Artist Invite, Venus vs Mars. We’re seeking creative work that explores the gender wars across cultural, political, physiological, international, and economic battle lines. No topic is off limits (but do be sure to follow Ello’s Community Guidelines). We want your creativity to kickstart a dialogue and open minds to the issues that women, men, and all genders face around the world.

Show us what you got —

