
How Non-Profit Learn To Be Increased Donations by 500% using Paperform and Zapier

Diony McPherson
Published in
3 min readJan 11, 2018


Supporting non-profits is incredibly important to the Paperform Team; we don’t consider ourselves “sustainable” unless we’re sustaining the part of our community that need it the most. That’s why we were particularly chuffed to hear that tutoring non-profit Learn To Be were able to increase donations for 500% using Paperform and Zapier.

LA based non-profit Learn To Be brings free, 1-on-1, online tutoring to underserved youth around the United States. They work primarily with homeless youth, former gang members, foster youth and otherwise struggling families. To date, They’ve hosted over 33,000 tutoring sessions and over 16,000 hours of online tutoring in math, reading, writing and science.

While the tutoring is done by brilliant volunteer high school students, college students and young professionals, you can imagine that running a non-profit as active as Learn To Be doesn’t come cheap. They rely on the generosity of donors, and have created some great work flows using Paperform and Zapier to increase donations by 500% — focusing on making payments easy, and strengthening donor relationships and great internal comms.

Here’s how Founder and Executive Director Neeraj Kapoor and her team do it…


Whenever someone submits a donation on the Learn To Be site using an embedded Paperform form, a few things are automated via Zapier:

  1. A notice it sent to Slack and someone on the team personally reaches out to thank the donor.
  2. The donor is added to a Mailchimp email list.
  3. An automated email that serves as a tax receipt is then sent from Mailchimp.

Paperform form on Learn To Be’s site

Using this automated flow, Learn To Be is able to quickly and efficiently engage with every donor on a personal level. Learn To Be’s integrations also serve to enrich relationships with students, parents, and tutors, and also to continuously improve the courses. Neeraj gives insight into how they achieve this:

Post Tutoring Session Feedback To Slack

“After tutoring sessions, we want to hear back from students and tutors about how the session went. We ask them a quick set of questions using a Paperform form and then we send the responses to Slack via Zapier. This way, Learn To Be staff are able to share some of the victories with all of our volunteer tutors!”

Student Improvement Survey For Parents

“We send out surveys to parents every month asking parents to highlight any grade/score improvements that are a result of the tutoring we provide through Learn To Be. These are also send to Slack and are shared with our volunteer tutors easily.”

As a result of the ease with which we can incorporate Paperform forms and integrate with zapier, our donations have spiked by nearly 500%

The results speak for themselves. Donations have increased substantially as a result of automated engagement with donors, and the Learn To Be Team is able to easily gather and share feedback across their team, strengthening relationships and improving their offering.

Ready to automate your flows like Learn To Be? Get started now!

Want to learn more about Paperform and Zapier? Learn more.

This article was originally published on the Paperform Blog.



Diony McPherson

Co-Founder of Paperform — a web platform that enables anyone to easily create beautiful web-forms.