A Letter to my favourite City, Corazón

(For a better experience, DO NOT GOOGLE!)

5 min readMay 10, 2020



It’s been long since we had a conversation, and sorry Corazón, this is a privately-public letter so please don’t get triggered when people come and ask you stuff. I will make sure that you are not embarrassed or made fun of, but you know me, so I can’t really promise.

[As for the people who have no idea of where Corazón is, just be patient and you will soon get to know it. Here’s one thing though, we all have seen or heard of Corazón, maybe visited it also, but finally knowing it is where the magic lies.]

Sorry Corzu [ I know I know, my nick-naming game hasn’t gotten any better ], had to give some vague details about who you are to the people. Anyways, do you remember the first day I stepped into your life? Really hoping you won’t remember because I don’t. The best thing comes to you un-warned, unnoticed, and obviously at the most unexpected and crucial of times. But lemme tell you this, even though I’ve conveniently forgotten exactly what day it was, I distinctly remember everything that we did together when we were at yours. Above all, I still know how it felt.

You made me feel safe, secure, happy, and often also got me insecure, made me think twice, made me laugh too, whereas I embraced running away from you at the very same time. And oh boy, that strong urge to make love, feel all those emotions that I would have for the person I wish to share my life with, along with all the euphoria, of course all of which I thought was just the honeymoon phase of every relation, but I guess…. hmm No! YOU were and are the only one who has always held on to me. Now whenever I think about how I managed to pull this off for so long, all I can come up with is that “we mend our cracks with melted gold because, to be broken is to be beautiful.” ( Kintsugi ).

I still remember the time I was taken over by utmost rage because a place like home that I used to adore, now disgusted me with what happened there. I didn’t come back because I thought you were not going to change. But look at us now, writing letters in the era of the Internet. The thing is that Corzu, it is when I sat and thought about it, I got more clarity of what had really happened, that we all lose our shit sometimes and do or say things that we would’ve never done if we weren’t in that chaotic state of mind. Nevertheless, you’ve come a long way Corzu, from being that cute, adorable place where one feels magical, to a dark, disgusting, insecure place, to finally take a detour to all the good parts, healing to be the best place where I often find peace within, to a place where I come to set myself free. You have grown and evolved so much Corzu, so much.

As I write this letter, I don’t know why but I feel like jotting down a 4 liner poem for you:

Bin bataye, bin jaaane, pahuch gaya tha mein,

Kabhi laga nahi ki itne kareeb aajaoge,

Par dekho kitne pass hai hum,

Yehi to maya hai pyaar ka.

Corzu, thank you for existing and letting me in because everybody doesn’t have access to you, mostly because they take you for granted. They take you for granted that they don’t tend to visit you or have a chit-chat with you when the sun is down and a cold slight breeze touches your body and soul. It’s been a pleasure knowing you and exploring you.

Do you realise that you are like the sea? When we first step in, we feel like we are in control, but as we go in deeper, we get scared and all the things around us stop making sense. We are then forced to decide whether to move forward or backward. And now looking back at what I decided, I’m happy that I chose to go forward because the deeper I went, the more sense we made and the more serene and peaceful you got.

Corzu, be the same. Stay wild, stay the way you are, don’t let people shit all over you. If they do, REVOLT! At least that’s what nature does. So revolt, Corzu! Flood streets like the tsunami did, wipe it all off, let them know that they are doing wrong, and repeat till they mend because only then things will get better. And do you know what your speciality is Corzu? No matter how strong the tsunami you cause, some people still won’t feel like leaving. I see two possibilities, either this or that. Firstly, whatever it is, it’s going to screw you up. Secondly, it’s that mystery that would make your life a bit easier. Once you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do. If it’s former put a nuke and #boom_boom_ciao and if it’s the latter, never let them go.

I know I have been saying the same thing in different ways but again, thank you so much for existing. You’ve made me what I am today and nobody else needs to tell me if I am doing the right or wrong thing because what I have learned from you is “Ende sheri ende mathram sheri agunnu” [ translation: “ what is right for you may not be right for others and what’s right for them, may not be right for you” ], I have made that my motto with a few modifications here and there, such as respecting other’s opinion and not hurting them with my set of ‘rights’.

Gracias Corzu.


[ Now for you, wondering where Corazón is located? Even if you’re not, do read up now. Stand up, consider your body as a compass where your head becomes the north. Place a map in front of you, place your finger right in the centre of your body and move it North-East and as you move you would feel something, a very subtle dhak-dhak. Aye aye, corzu is my heart, and Corazon is yours. It isn’t the “heart”- heart but the one that makes you, “you”.

In this world of chaos, you need to know your Corazón because only it can take care of you. As I mentioned earlier, although we know that we need to, we rarely take the efforts to know ourselves.

Give your Corzu the love, the pampering and the care because if you don’t take care of yourself, who else will? ]

Gracias por leer.

P.S Corazón means heart in Spanish. :)

