A Split Second

Aswathy S
Published in
Oct 20, 2020

Glimmers in dark cities

The melody draws to a stunning close

Or so you think

In this lonely musing cloud

We dream on

Of pretty days and memories long lost

Oh why can’t we just be

Where we are in this moment

For a split second daydream

We weave out of our own reverie

Crested on a wave too far away

In this suffocating high

We dare not let go of

For longing

Clutching at all your drawn out introspection

Brushing past all that bleary loss

If we pretend hard enough

All this lovely monotony

Looks like it could be

Something we could survive

Affronted by a love we live in

A flimsy faded fantasy

For another jaded day

No, don’t open your eyes

Let’s stay here

In this memory filled with fog and yearning

For every word we won’t acknowledge

Every star we only see now

The world, a broken clock

Refusing to stand still

Ticking by for a person

Waiting for its heartbeat to stop

For a meagre chance

To feel like we matter

In the cosmic shattering

That comes after.

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