And Then One Day

Nikita Menon
Published in
2 min readAug 24, 2020
via iStock

And then one day,
The flowers shall cease to bloom
With all of nature enwrapped in gloom.
And winter shall lose its true claim,
As the snow melts, before the earth’s flame.

And then one day,
The winds shall cease to blow with,
Days and nights passing way too slow.
Instead of cool breezes that graze our skin
Affliction is what awaits the future of our kin.

And then one day,
The birds shall cease to chatter and,
Survival o’ the fittest will no longer matter
For nature won’t deem any of us worthy
All eventually undone and covered in debris.

And then one day,
We may finally understand
As we walk across the barren land
Just like our lips, cracked to the very core
Dying of thirst despite knocking on every door.

And then one day,
We may finally realize
As we witness nature’s unavoidable wrath
Watching innocent creatures deranged,
With fear, of the heat that would usurp the entire year.

And then one day,
We may finally grieve,
As we watch nature shed its glorious form
The graceful mould and sturdy sheath,
Revealing its treacherous claws underneath.

And then one day,
We may finally repent, as we recall,
Our ignorant choices and in vain lament.
We only value things after we lose them,
But for all we know, we may be too late then.

Much relevant right? Jump onto our ‘PaperRhymes’ section to read more such beautiful poems! Here’s one from our side:

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