Camping is the answer.

To whatever the question is.

Lakshmi Sreekumar
4 min readNov 15, 2019


“The wilderness holds answers to questions we have not yet learned to ask’’ said Nancy Wynne Newhall. And what better way to experience nature than to head out into the unknown and camp for a while!

But come on… Let’s face it. How many of us can go camping with full confidence? I, for a fact, certainly have my doubts.

“Where will I get food from?!”

“What if a wild boar attacks me?!”

And most importantly,


To me camping was all about an unhygienic lifestyle; wiping yourself with a leaf sort of style. Well, not anymore, thanks to The Campper.

When a few friends got together and decided to set up a platform where they could share their love for camping, things turned out pretty great for aspiring campers everywhere. Now,The Campper has become one of the most unique and well received travel partners of the youth.

Now I know there are a few of you guys who are still not convinced about the idea of camping as a whole. So might as well list out a few reasons why spending time outdoors, away from the fuss and bother of city life, might be good for you.

1. Just Breathe

You know that feeling of happiness you get when you take in a deep breath of fresh air? Nope, you are not imagining it. Taking in more oxygen induces the release of Serotonin, giving you the feeling of happiness. The fresh air also boosts your overall immunity, improves your digestion, and even improves your blood pressure.

2. Improved Mood.

Do you feel tired and exhausted often? Then a few days camping is just what you need. The feeling of being tired or depressed is caused due to a chemical called Melatonin, and spending time outdoors can reduce the levels of the chemical in your body. That’s right folks. Camping brings out your happiness!

3. Rise and Shine!

Obviously, when you are outdoors, something that you get on serious abundance is sunlight. And that’s a good thing! All the Vitamin D you soak in, is going to do wonders to your overall health. More Vitamin D implies you absorb more calcium and phosphorous, and this makes you feel more energised.

4. Hut, Hut, HIKE!

One of the most exciting things about camping is all the exercise that we’re getting. Hiking, fishing, or any other outdoor activity burns more calories than most indoor activities, and thus gives you a sense of well being. Not to mention the fact that you work up a good appetite.

5. A good night’s sleep

After a long day at work, most of us just want a good night’s rest. But amidst the city buzz, our brains have been trained to constantly be on guard. Sound sleep is no longer easy to come by. However, camping is found to improve the quality of sleep in most people. A night outdoors can bring about a pleasant and relaxing sleep, thereby enhancing your metabolism and health.


The Campper provides an exclusive and private camping experience, complete with every facility you might need. Be it a place to park your car, or maybe a place to freshen up, The Campper has it all. It provides you with a comfortable tent with a bed, and even accounts for all your meals! And all this at an affordable price!

Totally great, right?!

And that’s not all. The Campper has some amazing offers that’ll make your eyes pop off. One of their super cool initiatives with an agenda to remove all the hinderances in the way of youth who dream of camping, provides students from colleges with an opportunity to experience camping for free!

Don’t believe it? Well, ask anybody who attended Govt Model Engineering College’s Excel 2019. They’ll tell you how they’re all eligible for 1000 rupees off at The Campper just because they participated in Excel!

Super cool isn’t it? When you’ve got offers like this, you just can’t refuse, can you? So what are you waiting for?! Get your gear, catch some friends and get out of here!

Because one who lives, sees much. But one who travels, sees more!

For more details, visit



Lakshmi Sreekumar

Temperamental nuthead, with an annoying habit of seeing weird dreams..