Entoptic Visions

Aswathy S
Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2021

Purple tinged tangerines on summer days

crimson hues tainting this nighttime window

there are grey trees and paler seasons

in this odd little world

you open your eyes

hoping for wild colors and bizarre sights

hideous in their uniqueness

beautiful in their existence

grey and orange and red

live in this world as well

but they don’t bleed out of books

and crawl into forgotten corners

you crave darkness under the midday sun

the adrenaline leaving crystalline trails under your eyes

they wait, to sleep, to dream

of hedonian colors

the tragedy of seeing wonders inside your mind

lovely and terrible in their verbosity

but utterly lost to the world around you

the ones who look for transparent shades

in an opaque reality

but there are waves of blue

and the softest roses, making their way

towards gathering sea storms

they don’t look like the chaos you dream of

but like something intangible and enigmatic

lovely for their solidity

inside our human eyes.

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