From The Editor’s Desk

Satyalekha A
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2019

Times may change. People may change. Lifestyles may change. But what will never change is the power of expression. The power the pen yields (or keyboard :P). And the sheer impact that words can have.

It’s been almost six months since Paperkin was passed on to me (how time flies!), and it’s been nothing short of AMAZING!! To be able to aid people voice their inner selves, and to be able to spread and celebrate anything and everything under the sun, is indeed an honour. Every day, every article, has been teaching me a lot, and as for the terrific people I work with? They never fail to amaze me with their out-of-the-box ideas and impressive write ups, weaving the best of stories with myriad styles.

From “what is Paperkin?” to “What’s next in Paperkin!”, its been such an extraordinary journey, right from the very first article “Finding Your Patronus!” published over a year ago. And we owe this success to all our beautiful readers out there. From quirky articles like “Five contrasting male and female traits” and “The travesty of Weddings” to more serious ones like “Save Our Oceans!” to “All ‘Bi’ myself”, you’ve loved them all. Be it travel experiences, features on latest trends, or even random musings, the response has been extraordinary, and it is this unwavering support and encouragement that keeps us going, motivating us to get better every day. So on behalf of our entire team, a big warm THANK YOU!!!

We at Paperkin believe that everybody is unique, and so are their views and opinions, and strive to provide a fair platform to one and all. So if you think Paperkin is all about a group of pre-selected writers trying to get big, throw that thought out of the window. You don’t need to be a Shashi Tharoor or a Shobha De to be able to move people. All you need is the will, and guts, to say what you feel out loud, and make your voice heard and felt. So if you want to share something with the world, send it over to us ( Because, you never know what you might be capable of.

As for what’s in store, all I can say is that Paperkin is geared up to take the definition of Handcrafted Fun to whole new level. Watch out for mesmerising travelogues, funny fact-files, conversations with esteemed personalities, Papertales, and much much more!

A huge shout out to Nikita Mallya, the brain and heart behind all this, the mastermind who laid the strongest foundation to something that’ll one day take the world by storm!

To stay in the loop, follow us on our INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK and the very newly launched TWITTER handle!



Satyalekha A

An uber-curious earthling with a perpetual craving for chocolate.